Cemetery Rules

Visiting Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Operating Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday

  1. No planting of shrubs.
  2. Flowers may be planted within 12 inches of the stone, but not exceed the width of the stone.
  3. Flowers may be planted within 24 inches of the front of the mausoleums, but not to exceed the width of the mausoleum.
  4. Trees, groundcover, creeping vines, fences and borders are not permitted.
  5. All plants or shrubs that interfere with the maintenance or mowing, or which are overgrown and not maintained, will be removed without notice.
  6. Spring and summer flowers and decorations shall be removed by September 3rd.
  7. Fall and winter flowers and decorations shall be removed by March 30th.