Acushnet Cemetery, Acushnet, MA

Services / Fees

Effective January 1, 2025, the following prices will prevail:

Item Prices
Single Grave $ 1,400.00
Grave Opening $ 1,190.00
Grave Opening for Vault* $ 1,340.00
Grave Box $ 890.00
Saturday Burial Additional Fee before 11 AM $ 1,000.00
Children Opening (1 to 7 years) $ 650.00
Cremations (2 ft. x 3 ft. lots) $ 770.00
Cremation Grave Box:                             Double Grave Box
Package Lot & Grave Box
$ 350.00
$ 320.00 & $ 960.00
Cremation Opening $ 800.00
Entombment $ 500.00


6 Lots, Maximum Entombments - 2 consisting of 1 over 1 $ 7,540.00
8 Lots, Maximum Entombments - 2 consisting of 2 over 2 $ 9,700.00
10 Lots, Maximum Entombments - 2 consisting of 3 over 3 $ 12,540.00
12 Lots, Maximum Entombments - 2 consisting of 4 over 4 $ 15,040.00
14 Lots, Maximum Entombments - 2 consisting of 5 over 5 $ 17,570.00
Note Perpetual Care - Per Entombment $ 1,270.00

* Note: Additionally, if individuals opt for Wilbert or other high grade Vaults it is then incumbent for the Vault Supplier to set up the grave with their greens and lowering device.

Note: From December 1st through April 1st, all grave openings are subject to $300.00 Frost Fee.

Note: No Funerals Will Be Accepted on the Grounds After 11:00 AM on Saturday.